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[ This document is badly damaged and parts are illegible. The dots mark parts that can not be read ]

Will of Richard Vittie of Vittle [ miller ] of Little Crakehall, 24 April 1621

In the nam of god amen I, Richard Vittie of litle Cracall in the parishe of bedall, sick in bodie but wholl in minde, do mak and ordaine this my last will and testament : first I bequeathe my soull to amightie god my maker and ... ....................................
body to the parishe church of bedall. ........................................
I bequeath and give unto Elizb(eth)... ...........................................
house wth th'app'ances and the... ...............................
during her naturall life and ..........................................
I frely and absolutely g............... ...........................
wth th'app'tances and.... ..................................
(as she received the same ) as my .. ...................................
WilIm Vittie and Alexander Vittie equallie betwixt them excepting one bedstead wth sufficient clothes for the same wch I did give to my wifes sister ..... .....if she be then living and if she be dead to my wifes .......................................
dispose. Also I give unto my wifes sister also ten shillings.
Item I give unto my wifes brother his children five
..................of lawfull English money . Ite I give to my brother Alexander my copp and my sparke of velvett brittches And I doe give to my brother WilIm Vittie... of my clothes (except my worst doblet and g..... thwch I give to WilIm Richardson.
Ite. I give out of my house for .............. shillings yearely, namely five shillings to be paid ....... day before .... to the use and good of the poor of the p'ishe of bedall. and 1 other five shillings to the poor of the p'ishe of Massam evry good friday after my decease , and the same to be .......laide to the churchwardens & ovseers yearely unto the said sevrall p'ishes .
Ite. whereas Als Mason dothe father a childe upon me, she (shall) contineue in the some............. at the birth thereof th....

[ Written down the left side : ]
I doe give unto the said halfe childe towards the bringing up of the said chiled 40s . And I doe make Elizabeth my wife, and Alexander my brother executers of this my last will and testament . In witness whereof I sett my hand the day and yeare first above written.
Richard Vittie his mark. Witnesses hereof Geo Jackson, Richard Mitchell

An Inventorie maide of all the goods and chattels late Richard Vitties disseased prazed 24th day of May by four honest men namly Henry Lucas, Richard Mitchell, William Clarck and John Taler in the 19th year of the reign of our soveraign lord James by the grace of god king of England, France & Ireland defender of the faith and of Scotland

Inprimis the best pt of his reparell geven to
his brother Wiliam
Ite another pt of his aparel geven to his
brother Alexanda
Ite the last pt of his aparell geven to a poor boy 2s
Ite one foal and a calf 33s - 4d
Ite thre sowes and 13 pigs 53s -4d
Ite one bedstead and a table with two forms
in the plor
Ite one presse 4s
Ite one pair of lin shetes 5s
Ite two pair of samoron shetes 7s
Ite two pair of harden shetes 7s
Ite four table clos 6s - 8d
Ite two codwars 3s
Ite two long twowel 12d
Ite six table napkins 12d
Ite one coverlet and a hapen and two fether cods 14s
Ite one stock bed 3s - 4d
Ite one matris, one coverlet, one happin, one cod
in the chamber
Ite thre bedsteads in the chamber 4s
Ite thre towe happens 3s
Ite sartane yron impelments 3s
Ite two ould chysts 18d
Ite one meal  
Ite one great k.....  
Ite one trunck.....  
Ite one litle bo ......  
Ite three mand ..........  
Ite one peck  
Ite two swords 5s
Ite one spining wheel and a ?.......  
one hay spade and a ridel 2s - 4d
Ite two tables in the haul wth seats for the
same and six buffetstoles
Ite two chares and fowten whiffins 6s
Ite one bed in the butrie 10s
Ite one coubart, one ambrie 18s - 4d
Ite one litle chist 12d
Ite wood vessell in the buttrie(?) and the frames
whereon they stand
Ite six dringing cans 13s
Ite ten dublers, five sawcers, five pewder candelsticks,
four saucers, a chamerpot and a glasscase
and a chawfin dishe
Ite brasse vessell 40s
Ite wood vessell and a ston trough in the kichinge 9s
Ite two reckans, one spit and a pair of tongs 4s
Ite cooles and firewood 5s
[ TOTAL ] £30 - 11 - 5

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