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An Inventorie of all the goodes & Chattels of Ralph Mason of Great Crakehall desesed prased by John Jackson, Richard Michell, Richard Vitte, Simond Tompson the 11th day of May in the 23rd yeare of our soveraine lorde James the grace of god kynge of England, France & Ireland, defender of the faith & of Scotland VI [1620]

Inprimis his purse and apparel ..............
Ite corne on the ground ?
Ite fower oxen £13 - 10 - 0
Ite five kyne £13 - 10 - 0
Ite six young cattle £7 - 6 - 8
Ite three horses £8 - 0 - 0
Ite fower swine 24s - 0d
Ite twenty six oule shepe & ninetene lambes £9 - 12 - 0
Ite tow coupes one wayne tow pare of wheles,
one paire of harrowes
£4 - 0 - 0
Ite woud upon the grene 13s - 0d
Ite fowertene stacke barres 20s - 0d
Ite thre stand heckes 6s - 0d
Ite corne in the barne 20s - 0d
Ite nyne bushells of barle 15s - 0d
Ite tow axeltres 5s - 0d
Ite fower draught yokes & plowgeare 6s - 0d
Ite thre peces of woud in yarde 3s - 0d
Ite tow plowes, one paire of wheles, one yoke,
tow teames, one beamsole, a barro, tow
bedsides, one sith
13s - 0d
Ite for horse geare 2s - 0d
Ite in otes, one kymblin, one trough, one
butterkyt & other implementes in
the chamber
25s - 0d
Ite bras and coper vessells 26s - 8d
Ite in puder vessells wth tow bras candlestickes 12s - 6d
Ite tow cubbertes one call 40s - 0d
Ite a spete a reckyn a payre of rackes a paire of
tonges one spininge whele
5s - 0d
Ite woud vessell wth a jare a table a credle 10s - 0d
Ite one chamber over the house 30s - 0d
Ite salte flesh wth a cheste shelfe 7s - 0d
Ite in lining 10s - 0d
Ite thre coverlettes & thre happens 15s - 0d
Ite one fatherbed fower coddes one bedsteade 30s - 0d
Ite thre chestes one bushell with other implemets 8s - 0d
Ite ould hay 16s - 0d
Ite nine bushells of barle & five bushels of otes,
one bushell of rye
25s - 3d
Suma tot. £103 - 13 - 7

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