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Will of William Clarke of Little Crakehall, 9 December, 1628

In the name of God amen, the ninth day of December in the fourth year of the reign of our sovereign lord Charles by the grace of god king of Great Britain, France and Ireland, defender of the faith etc. Anno Dom. 1628 :
I William Clarke of Little Crakehall wthin the county of York , yeoman, sick of body but of good and perfect remembrance, thanks be to god, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following : first I commit my soul into the hands of almighty god trusting and believing steadfastly to be saved by the merits, death and passion of Jesus Christ my saviour and my body to be buried at Bedale church when it shall please god to call me.
Item I give unto my wife and children John, Henry , William, Christopher, Margaret and Dorithy all my goods moveable and unmoveable.
Item I give unto my oldest son Thomas Clarke all my land in Little Crakehall, all my land in Hauxewill after the space of one and twenty years.
Item I also give unto my son Thomas my livinge in Great Crakehall after the death of my mother Dorithy Clarke, and is to pay for the same four pounds in the year for six years to my aforesaid children.
Item I give unto my wife Cecelle Clarke, John Clarke, Henry Clarke, William Clarke, Christopher Clarke, Margaret Clarke and Dorithy Clarke my farm in Little Crakehall for one whole year.
Item I give unto my wife Cecelle Clarke a tenement in Haxewill for her .... of all my lands and tenements, late in the tenure and occupation of James Jinson and now in the tenure or occupation of Leonard Jinson, during her natural life.
Item, I give unto my said children a tenement in Haxewill for twenty one years to be equally divided amongst them as they come to lawful age, late in the tenure and occupation of Raphe Jinson and now in the tenure and occupation of James Jinson.
Item, I make my wife and my son John Clarke joint executors of this my last will and tesatment : and I appoint Henry Lucas , Richard Clapham, Thomas Harrison and John Lucas to be supervisors of this my last will, who I desire to see that all things be done according to the effect and meaning thereof.

An Inventorie made the xvth daie of December Ann.Domn 1628 of all the goods and chattels that lately were and did appertaine unto William Clarke of Little Crakehall laite deceased, prased by fower honest men viz : Henrie Lucas James Richardson Thomas Pibus & Thomas Harrison as hereafter followeth :

In primis his purse & apperrell 40s
It sixe oxen & stots £20 - 0 - 0
it towe stirks & thre calfes £3 - 0 - 0
It sixe kyne £11 - 0 - 0
It fiftene sheepe £3 - lO - 6
It three nags & a meare £6 - 0 - 0
It nine swine 32s
It geese ducks & henne 4s
It rye, barlie, white peese, grae peese & oats in the barns £13 - 6 - 0
It sixe acres & a halfe of winter corne sowne in the fields £11 - 0 - 0
It maulte in the kilns ....... quarters £7 - 0 - 0
It one cubert and a kallo 13s - 4d
It a bed & bedstead, a mattris .....of blankits & a paire of  
sheets and three bousters 40s
It towe paire of linne sheets and three paire of harden sheets 25s - 6d
It towe kettels, towe pannes and towe poots 30s
It twelfe dublers, towe candlesticks, towe tinn boules  
& towe salts 14s - 6d
It one seastron 1s
It towe tables 13s - 4d
It butter & cheese 13s - 4d
It chares, stooles, stands, barels, stookes and all other  
hustlments 12s - 6d
It two waines as they goe £5 - 0 - 0
It one draught teame, one plowefote teame & a horse teame 4s
It one coulter & a sock 3s
It towe plowes wth wheels and bousters and also thre yocks 5s - 6d
It towe harrers & a buckshackle 3s
It thre asseltres, towe plowe beames wth heads & sheares 5s
It one stee...... , towe sleds & stackbares 5s
It one kilne heair....... 6s - 8d
It towe peces of timber woode 5s
It cooles and other ...........  
dets oweinge to the testator :  
It Issable Wray £7 - 6 - 0
It Widdowe Peternell Williamson £5 - 9 - 0
Some is one hundred 7 pounds 1s 3d  

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