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Will of Thomas Clark of Little Crakehall, yeoman, 22 March, 1603

I gyve and bequeth unto my sone Wyllyam Clark all the right of my lands in East Hauxwell, with deedes and assurance whiche I have of the same and for lack of issue of his bodye lawfullye begotten, to remayne to my daughter Ane Clarke.
Item I give unto my saide sone Wyllyam Clark my right of my tenement in Lytell Crakall, reservinge to my wife one chamber beneath the entrie, with a sufficient roome in the oxhouse for a chimney, and to have the Ducket Garthe adioyning to the same, with sufficient waye to the brige to the grounds belonginge to the tenement in Great Crakehall.
Item I give and bequeath unto my wife Doritye Clarke my tenement in Great Crakehall duringe hir widowhoode in consideration of hir thirde of my lands at Hauxwell & after hir death the right thereof to remayne to my saide sone Wyllyam Clarke.
Item I give and bequeth to my daughter Ane Clarke six pounds thirtene shillings and fower pence.
Item the residue of all my goods movable and unmovable my funerall expences and debts discharged I gyve unto my wife and Ane Clarke my daughter,l whom I doe make executors of this present last wyll and testament. And I ordayne and make supervisory of this last will and testament John Clapham, John Clarke and Henrie Lucas as my trustees in their witnesses.

Inventory, 7 April, 1604, made by John Clapham, Henry Lucas, Francis Lucas & John Hearison

His purse and apparrell 40s
Six oxen £16
Seven kye & five calves £14
Three stirks 46s - 8d
Fower twinter cattell £6
2 nages & two mears £4 - 7 - 8
Six swine 10s (?)
All the pullen 3s
Six quarters of rie £5
In ootes 20s
One quarter of barlye 13s
5 teames, 2 coulters, 3 socks, 2 buckshakels,
fower axell nailes,one horse draught, one teame,
5 paire of (cartwheles ?) and 2 beame heales
One huck 12d
4 paire of cowpestangs & ...capines & treks 15d
2 cowpes 3s - 4d
One waine 6s - 8d (? )
One paire of iron bound whels 10s - 8d
4 plowes 6s
5 yock 2s - 6d
One stepynge tub 13s - 4d
6 axeltrees 5s
5 plowebeames 4s
One chamber over the oxehouse 26s - 8d
One gauge of fellyes 4s
3 leacs 2s
2 spaids, 2 forks & 1 shovle 2s
2 hecks, 1 manger, with the implements in the oxehouse 12d
20 plowe heads 2s - 6d
5 sheathes, 2 plowties, 5 harrowebuls, 3 moldboards 18d
2 ladders 6d
12 akers of hard corfne £18
eleven akers of barlye land £15
4 akers of peas, 2 akers of oots, with 2 garths at the house £5
One cobert 13s - 4d
18 pece of pewther with 2 basens 12s - 6d
5 candlesticks, 3 salts & 2 lavers 4s
4 brasse potts & one posite 26s
4 kettels & 3 panes 26s
2 spets, 2 reckans & 1 paire of cobirons 2s
One musket with rest and pouderberre 13s
7 pairs of harden sheets & 2 of lyne, 6 napkins & bordclothes 40s
1 featherbed, 1 matterise & 7 pillowbers 26s
6 coverlets 20s
5 bedsteeds, one table, 7 chistes & 1 presse 25s
One table 3s - 4d
One guilefat, a maskefat, with seves, riddels & other implements 10s
4 bacon (sides ?) 6s - 8d
3 silver spones 7s
In haie 53s - 4d
SUM £112-14-2

Debts owen by the saide Thomas Clarke
One bonde taken by Mr Thomas (Bland?) to the use of Grace Clark, daughter of the aforesaid Thomas Clark and nowe the wife of one John Pearson which is to be paid at St. Andrewes daie next ensuinge if she the said Grace be then levinge, in consideracon of hir ........ £50

to ......Willerby......
to ..........................
in servants wages 13s - 4d
for .......mony 3s - 4d
to James Jonson 10s
Rents behinde to Mr Thomas Darcie 332
Rents to Mr John Girlington 16s - 6d
Rents for Great Crakall 36s - 3d
Churche dewties & funerall expences 53s - 4d
SUM OF DEBTS £89 - 16 - 9
BALANCE £22 - 17 - 5

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