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Will of John Allan of Great Crakehall, yeoman, 2 November, 1596

My mynd and will ys that the lande which I should have after the death of my father and mother shall remayne ubto my daughter Elisabeth Allan, and that she at the entrie thereof & her mother shall paye to my brethren and syster twentye mark amonge them, and that my father woulde builde a house thereupon for my wife to dwell in & she to beare the charge thereof.
Item, I give and bequeath unto my saide daughter Elisabeth Allan twentie ewes, one browne whie and one read whie stirke, and my mynde and will is that if the deathe part of my goods will amount to the sum of twenty markes which this before mentioned and bequeathed, that my said daughter have it to legacie.
Item, I gyve and bequeathe to my brothers Francis and Richard Allan all my apparrell.
Item, the half part of wynter corne sowen with Henrie Mason I give unto my brother Francis Allan.
Item, I will that if my brothers Francis and Richard Allan will maike cost for the sowynge of the waire corne land I have to halfs part with Henrie Mason, that they have yt between them.
Item, I gyve and bequeth unto my brother Thomas one busshell of masshellione.
Item, I I gyve and bequeth unto my brother Marmaducke one ewe or else a gymber.
Item, I gyve and bequeth unto my syster Luce one ewe.
Item, I give and bequethe unto John Gyll one bushell of rie.
Item, the residewe of my goods movable and unmovable, my debts paide and funerall expenses discharged, I gyve unto my wifeand to my daughter Elisabeth Allan, whom I maick executors of this my last will and testament. And I ordayne supervisor heareof Briane Burton, and would have hym to have the overseinge of the legacis given to my dawghter to be let forthe for hir most comoditie.

Witnessed :
John Collinson
Thomas Whitton
Richard Allan
Christopher Watson

Inventory of John Allan, 1596, praised by John Gyll, John Collynson, John Beckwithe, Thomas Whitton.

Fower kye £7
4 oxen & 2 stotes £11 - 13 - 4
One browne whie & one yearyn calfe 33s - 4d
Fyve young bease £4
Twentie ewes £3 - 13 - 4
Eight shepe hogs 21s
4 horse & a stage £6 - 6 - 8
Wynter corne in the barne £9
In barlye £7
Haye £5
9 akers of wynter corne sowen £8
One waine, one coupe, one teame & 2 yocks 43s - 4d
Swyne 6s - 8d
His purse and apparrell 20s
3 paire of sameron shets, 2 coverlets, 2  
blanckets and one happen 10s
One cobert & one chiste 10s
6 pece of pewter & 1 pewter candilstickes 4s
One brasse pott, 3 brasse candilstickes,  
2 kettils & one pane 10s
One spet, 1 axe, 1 reckan, 1 paire of polkilpes  
and one brule iron 2s
In coles 5s
One aker of winter corne sowen to half part  
and halfe a rude 20s
One bourde, one maskfat, i gilefat, 3 skeles,  
bowles, dishes, with other husshellment 4s
SUM £71 - 12 - 8  
Debts owen to him :  
John Geldert 10s - 4d
Robert Apilby 6s
John Mason 17d
Thomas Humble 2s - 6d
Mr Beverley 20d
Thomas Dobson 10d
Debts owen by him :  
To my brother Francis Allan £7 - 11 - 0
to Adam Clapham 10s
John Collynson 16s - 9d
more in pcells of debt 10s
funerall expenses 41s - 7d

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